'Dear Historian Girardi: What an important aspect of Chicago’s involvement in the Civil War that you provided in your amazing 7/30/2024 presentation regarding Camp Douglas!👍 Thank you!"
(Patty Turner Center, July 30, 2024)
"Thank you for your great support of the ALA as a member and a very valued speaker."
(Abraham Lincoln Association, June 24, 2024)
"Your lectures are always informative and entertaining."
(Southwest Michigan CWRT, June 2024)
"Your presentation was wonderful and received rave reviews from the group ! One gal said it brought her to tears ! The group was grateful that I found such a great speaker...Thank you very much for sharing your passion in a very professional and delightful manner !"
( Abraham Lincoln and the Common Soldier) Clarinda Cady Questers, February 20, 2024
"Just a brief note to tell you how much I enjoyed your presentation yesterday. Great job."
(The Midwest Fights the Civil War) Patty Turner Center, March 8, 2023
"A spellbinding tale. Well done, sir!"
Comment from a viewer of the Civil War Congress YouTube Video #79, The Murder of Major General William "Bull" Nelson, August 2022
"Your presentation (The Murder of Major General William "Bull" Nelson) was the best we have had in years."
Tennessee Valley CWRT, June 2022
"I just want to thank you again for your engaging talk. You are a terrific presenter -- upbeat, personable, and informed. Great visuals, too. You were the perfect speaker to kick off our new venue."
St. Lous CWRT, February 3, 2022
"Today, Oct. 23, (2021) The Glen Ellyn History Center was filled with an audience of over 75 people all there to experience noted Civil War historian, author speaker and consultant Robert I Girardi. The subject for the program was Chicago's Memory of the Civil War! What an education we all received! Girardi related how the public art, parks cemeteries, were all significantly involved in the war. However, he also explained how the memories and significance of these war events has changed over time. After the talk, the audience had loads of questions for Gitardi and he had the answers. The annual Salt Creek Civil War Round Table Book Sale was part of the event and this sale raises funds for the Civil War battlefield preservation. A GREAT afternoon!"
Glen Ellyn Historical Society/Salt Creek CWRT, October 23. 2021
" I so appreciate not only the time you spent on this review but its excellent quality in identifying the key weaknesses of the submissions plus the steps needed to strengthen it . . . By the way, we are receiving an increasing number of submissions on letters of Civil War and other conflicts’ participants and are concerned about establishing some standards. Your comments provide an excellent template, if you will, for that process."
Editor, Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, October 9, 2021
"I’ve been getting a ton of great comments on our episode and it’s looking like you are about to break my record for most downloads within a week of airing! All the best!'
Paul Hosa, Host of The Untold Civil War Podcast, September 18, 2021
"When I came in the room with Ed, I saw you, and said to him, "there is Rob Girardi, you know him right?" Ed said to me, "yes I know him. He is a good old boy." That is a compliment in Ed Bearss speak."
Harold Knudsen, Northern Illinois CWRT
"Thank you again for sharing your knowledge with our group. It was truly an amazing talk...After you left I received rave reviews for your presentation."
Waukesha Civil War Round Table, November 10,, 2020
"What an interesting program. (The Changing Memory of the Civil War) I really enjoyed it, and I got many happy comments. You just never know about this group. They say they don't like history, but this talk they liked. You are a great speaker."
Lake County Genealogical Society, November 12, 2019
"You were on your game Friday night! I really enjoyed it and learned a lot."
Madison County CWRT, July 28, 2019
“On behalf of all the Salt Creek Questers that attended your presentation yesterday, thank you! Your talk on Chicago’s Memory of the Civil War was extremely informative and interesting. We all learned a great deal about the important role Chicago and its people played during the war between the states…Your love and enthusiasm for history during this period definitely made your presentation captivating! “
Salt Creek Chapter of Questers, March 20, 2019
“Dear Mr. Girardi, Thank you so much for coming to our classroom again. The presentation is so informative and the artifacts make things come alive for the students.”
River Woods School, February 8, 2018
"Thank you for your excellent presentation. The subject material and the presentation delivery were excellent and well received by the round table members. ..I will also be contacting my network of round tables around the country and letting them know what a great speaker you are."
Scottsdale, AZ CWRT, September 20, 2017
“I did not get a chance to talk to you after your terrific presentation. It was extraordinarily well organized. When I was a Deputy Prosecutor in Misdemeanor Court, we prosecutors used to joke that really good officers only needed 2 questions. State your name and did this all happen in Marion County, Indiana within the last two years? You were one of those officers and there was nothing left to ask you because you were so good.”
Indianapolis CWRT, 2017
"A great presentation tonight, Robert. Thank you for coming to our roundtable. I loved your sense of humor."
Twin Cities CWRT, October 20, 2015
“I can’t thank you enough for your superb program here last week. We’ve had a stream of comments here last week, which just might convince the powers that be to do more Civil War programs.”
Elmhurst Historical Museum, May 2013
"Thank you again for speaking to the Round Table last night. Your presentation was outstanding. One of my objectives this year was to give our members an opportunity to learn more about the various things that had to be done to keep the armies supplied. I appreciate your contribution to this effort."
Atlanta, GA CWRT, May 9, 2012
“What a great job you did last night with your presentation on Illinois in the Civil War, and then with 45 minutes of questions and answers. You obviously love your topic and are extremely knowledgeable on all aspects of the Civil War. The…attendees were not disappointed!”
Lake Bluff Public Library, March 6, 2012
“On November 7, 2011 Robert Girardi graced us with his wealth of knowledge about the Civil War. Robert has an encyclopedic grasp of events related to the War between the States, and he skillfully illustrates his talk with artifacts that bring the Civil War to life…We considered his presentation as an on-site field trip.”
Edison Park Elementary School, November 7, 2011
“One thing I have noticed about many of the members of the Ottawa Noon Rotary Club is that they have a natural interest in local happenings both in the present and in the past. Therefore, last week’s program by Robert Girardi on Ottawa’s and LaSalle County’s role in the Civil War was a naturally popular program.”
Ottawa Noon Rotary Club, October 22, 2008
“Thank you so much for coming to speak to our Retired Men’s Roundtable group…I know the men very much enjoyed your discussion of civil war engineering feats. It was a fascinating topic. This is a group who very much appreciate another’s expertise and they certainly appreciated your extensive knowledge of the subject.”
The Community House, January 25, 2007
“Thank you for making last year’s Civil War History Day and Park Voyagers event such a success. Without your contributions and expertise, the program would not have been so successful.”
Chicago Historical Society, May 22, 2002
“On behalf of the Visitor Services Department here at CHS, I would like to thank you for once again participating as a featured guest speaker in our annual A House Divided Seminar. Your talk, as always, is so effective due to your compelling presentation using Civil War objects. As in past years, participants’ evaluations give your talk high marks.”
Chicago Historical Society, June 27, 2001
“Thanks for your outstanding talk, The Real War Will Never Get in the Books, It was thoroughly an interesting subject, unique, and forthright about publications dealing with their historic perspective about the war. I can’t remember when we have had a talk that provided a new perspective about what we read and hear in the way you presented it.”
Chicago CWRT, April 18, 2000
“Thank you for presenting a fantastic program! I am so impressed by the fact that you incorporated so much North shore history into your presentation. Thank you for doing such a splendid job.”
Wilmette Historical Society, January 14, 1998
“I found Rob to be a very responsible and careful person who sincerely loves history…most of his time was spent unpacking collections and working on inventories…Rob is not afraid to get his hands dirty, and this made working with him a pleasure….he was enthusiastic and there was never any question about his commitment. It was comforting to be able to rely on his ability to follow through on a project.”
Chicago Historical Society, December 3, 1990